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What Do I Need to Bring When Speaking to a Car Accident Lawyer in PA?

Accidents are harrowing events and can be traumatic. Speaking with a car accident lawyer in PA after you have been in a collision can help you navigate this difficult time effectively to ensure you get the justice you deserve.

It can be confusing and challenging to keep track of everything you need when you are ready to speak with a lawyer. If you have a meeting coming up, use this resource to help you be more organized and prepared.

Here Is What Can Help When You Speak with a Pennsylvania Car Accident Lawyer

You can bring some things with you after an accident to help your lawyer understand what happened and how to work more effectively for you. Below, you will find some recommendations about what Pennsylvania car accident attorneys may ask you to bring to your consultation.

1. Police Report and Evidence

After your accident, calling the police and collecting evidence were some of the first steps you took to ensure you documented everything correctly for your insurance company and your lawyer. The police report and any evidence you gathered, including photographs or videos from a dash camera, are crucial for your case. If you don’t have a police report, your attorney should be able to order one for you but, if possible, please bring these with you for review during your initial consultation with your lawyer.

2. Medical Bills, Missed Work Time, and Insurance Information

Many accidents result in medical bills, lost wages, multiple phone calls with insurance companies, and paying deductibles. All these expenses add up, contributing to your pain and suffering, and they are part of the compensation your lawyer wants to recover for you. When you come in for your meeting, try to have all the bills, missed payroll paperwork, and any insurance deductible receipts that relate directly to the accident. If you are unsure if something relates, bring it anyway, and your lawyer will help you determine if it is relevant. If you don’t have this documentation your lawyer can obtain it for you, but if you bring it to the initial meeting it will allow your attorney to get a head start on getting you back on your feet.

3. Vehicle Damage Reports and Witness Information

Witnesses are invaluable resources to your case. If you collected witness information after the accident, bring that with you. They can talk about what happened and give another perspective on the accident. In some cases, the witness might be more valuable than you imagine.

For example, maybe the car behind you had a dash cam, and you did not. After the accident, they pull over to tell you that their dash cam footage reveals that the other car slammed into your vehicle, clearly proving that it was not your fault. That type of evidence is enormously valuable. If you have access to a witness with that kind of evidence, you should bring their information so your lawyer can promptly contact them.

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After your accident, you also likely had your car’s damage evaluated by a mechanic for a repair estimate. That estimate is helpful and your lawyer may be able to assist you with a claim to recover damages equivalent to the cost of your vehicle repairs in addition to any other money they are trying to win for you.

4. A Written Personal Statement

Another helpful element of your consultation with a car accident lawyer in PA after a collision is your written account. A personal statement can help you keep yourself on track, keep your story organized, and help you cover everything as it happened so you do not forget any details when you speak to a lawyer.

Try to include specifics like what you were doing before the accident, the setting, and how those things may have influenced the incident. Also, try to document everything you have done since the accident that is incident related. For example, if you took your car to the mechanic a day after the accident, make sure you have that paperwork handy to go along with your statement.

What if You Are Not Physically Able to Collect All This Documentation?

If your accident has left you injured or bedridden in a hospital, lawyers are often willing to visit you where it is most convenient for you to discuss the incident. If you cannot collect these documents, including a family member, the person acting as your power of attorney, or a trusted individual in your consultation may be helpful. They can help organize any documentation and present it to your lawyer.

Are You Ready to Speak to A Pennsylvania Car Accident Lawyer?

You deserve to work with a car accident lawyer in PA who is on your side. When you have experienced a car crash or accident, the representation you choose can mean the difference between a more straightforward and a more complicated case. Get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation, and we will help you through this.

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