Due to COVID-19, most court functions in the state have been suspended. In addition, our office is working remotely. For assistance, please email esr@mmzlaw.com with your contact information and the legal matter you need help with and someone will be in touch. If you are seeking help regarding a Will, Financial, or Health Care Power of Attorney, every effort will be made to respond as quickly as possible.

Finding the Right Personal Injury Attorney: 5 Key Questions to Ask During an Initial Consultation

A little while ago, we published a blog post sharing our top tips on hiring a lawyer, which include consulting your personal network of friends and family for recommendations and doing some research into the profiles of lawyers in your community to determine potential candidates to handle your case.

These tips certainly also apply when you’re looking to hire a personal injury lawyer to help you in the aftermath of a vehicle accident, if you have been harmed by medical malpractice, when you’re dealing with workers’ comp matters, or in any other personal injury situation.

However, personal injury (PI) law is a practice area where extensive trial experience and subject matter expertise count. That’s why we encourage you to interview several prospective personal injury attorneys before you hand your case over to the first firm you see advertised on TV.

After all, because most personal injury lawyers work under a contingent fee arrangement—meaning they don’t get paid unless you receive compensation for your injury—it’s cost-effective to interview multiple legal professionals up front. And as you conduct this interview process, you’ll want to ask a lot of questions.

Today’s blog post focuses on a few that we believe will help you quickly and efficiently narrow your search for the right personal injury lawyer. Additionally, we invite you to call us at May Herr & Grosh for a free initial case assessment. Our firm includes several highly experienced PI lawyers who will gladly answer all your questions.

First things first—why should you hire a personal injury lawyer?

When you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, there are a significant number of benefits in hiring a personal injury attorney. The bottom line? An experienced personal injury lawyer will have the skills and knowledge necessary to get you compensation for your injury and damages. These qualified legal professionals

  • understand the legal process
  • know the value of your personal injury claim
  • handle the stressful paperwork so you can focus on healing
  • go to trial and fight for you, as needed

Depending on the severity, an event like a car accident or slip and fall can have a catastrophic impact on your life. If you’ve never experienced something like this before, a trustworthy personal injury attorney is an indispensable resource. Do not hesitate to reach out to several and ask these questions to help ensure you hire the best PI lawyer for your situation.

Are you a specialist in personal injury law?

When you need a personal injury lawyer, you should seek only attorneys with this specialist experience. There are many types of law practices, and not all lawyers know the ins and outs of personal injury law—many are well-versed in other legal areas like family law, new business formation, or real estate. But getting results for personal injury clients requires specialist knowledge.

Just as you wouldn’t go to an eye doctor for heart health concerns, you don’t want to trust your personal injury case to just any lawyer. Furthermore, ask those you consult with about their outcomes for personal injury clients—they should be able to offer you examples and case studies that demonstrate a history of success.

What is your experience handling cases involving my specific injury?

Beyond specializing in personal injury cases, you will want to ask your attorney how often they represent clients with your type of issue. Personal injury lawyers help victims of everything from medical malpractice and dog bites to drunk driving and pedestrian accidents. Many also handle workers’ compensation matters.

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Each specific injury type requires a different approach, and you want to be sure your attorney is experienced—or is willing to introduce you to another lawyer in their firm who has the experience you’re seeking.

How much do you get paid if I win my case?

Asking about a given attorney’s fees may seem rude, but we assure you—this is crucial information. Different types of attorneys bill differently. While most PI lawyers work on contingency (as noted above), you want to be sure that you understand how and when your attorney needs to be paid for their services.

Please do not feel intimidated by the question of paying your lawyer! The best personal injury attorneys seek to be open and honest about all our costs, and we are not offended by questions like, “how much do you get paid if I win my case?”

Who is your typical client?

This question is somewhat related to the specialist/generalist question above, but it can provide you with more in-depth information on a given attorney’s focus.

For instance, you might be able to get a little background on their clients’ financial status. Do they typically represent workers who were hurt on the job? Employers and business owners? Additionally, their answer here will help you better understand if a given attorney is genuinely well-versed in personal injury law.

Who else from your firm will work on my case?

When consulting with an attorney in solo practice or a smaller personal injury firm, it’s probably true that you’re speaking directly to the person who will be handling your case.

In mid-size and larger firms, knowledgeable paralegals and other office support staff may be involved, as well, to ensure that your needs are being met as a client. However, it is vital to find a personal injury lawyer who cares enough to take the time to talk with you personally. For instance, at May Herr & Grosh, our lawyers go out of their way to get to know you and keep you updated as your case progresses.

Ready to Find An Excellent Personal Injury Attorney in Lancaster, PA?

Look no further than May Herr & Grosh. Our firm is comprised of seven individual attorneys—several of whom are personal injury law specialists—and a capable, experienced team of paralegals and support personnel dedicated to providing the highest level of service and support to our valued clients.

What’s more, we listen. Our attorneys will always accommodate your specific needs and goals while diligently working to secure the most favorable possible outcome in your unique case. Get in touch with us today to schedule your free initial consultation. We look forward to answering your questions.

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